
Pahang firemen endure three-hour bumpy ride to put out blaze in remote school

LIPIS: Poor road conditions forced fire fighters to endure a three-hour ride after a fire broke out at SK Senderut in Pos Sinderut here yesterday.

Five personnel from the Sungai Koyan fire station travelled 47km in a four-wheel-drive rescue vehicle to put out the blaze.

A wooden building in the school's compound was razed, but no casualties were reported.

Pahang Fire and Rescue Department public relations officer Zulfadli Zakaria said the fire station were alerted at 10.29pm but the fire fighters only reached the site around 1.45am.

"The school is accessible only by four-wheel-drive vehicles due to the bumpy road conditions.

"Firemen managed to prevent the fire from spreading to the other buildings and completely put it out about 3.23am.

"Only one wooden building was destroyed while five other buildings nearby. including the students' hostel, administrative building and teachers' quarters, were spared," he said.

Zulfadli said the cause of the fire and losses incurred were being investigated.

It is learnt that a four-member team from the Raub fire station, located some 70km away, had been deployed to assist but the four-wheel-drive vehicle they were travelling in broke down during the journey.

Pos Sinderut is a remote Orang Asli settlement with more than 5,000 villagers.

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