
Cheap firecrackers low on supply at border as Thai authorities tighten controls

TAKBAI, THAILAND: For many Malaysians here, it is routine to cross the border to buy firecrackers and fireworks for Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

These Malaysians would use the many illegal jetties along the Golok river in Tumpat which are located on the Kelantan side.

In previous years, they would return with carrier bags on either hand containing the firecrackers and fireworks filled to the brim. But today, they would come back almost empty handed, as items are out of stock.

A self-employed man, who only wanted to be known as Zali, said he and other Malaysians can buy only a few types of the items due to the low stock.

"Normally, l spend about RM200 to buy firecrackers here but today, l only spent RM50.

"But for me, spending RM50 is worth it compared to the price sold by firecracker traders in Kelantan," said the 42-year-old.

A Thai trader said it was hard to get the supply of the items of late after the explosion at a warehouse storing firecrackers and fireworks in Mundok that killed 11 people.

"Before this, we could sell firecrackers and fireworks to locals as well as to Malaysians but after the explosion, the Thai authorities decided to control the sales.

"So, we can only sell whatever we have in the stock. We are also facing difficulties getting new stock," said the trader.

The incident in Mundok, the trader said, also prompted Thai authorities to conduct regular checks at premises selling firecrackers and fireworks.

In July last year, four warehouse workers were among 11 people killed in the Mundok's explosion in a warehouse storing firecrackers and fireworks.

At least 111 others were injured in the incident.

The explosion also caused 330 villagers to suffer huge losses after their homes and other structures were damaged from the blast.

The affected homes were located within 500m from the warehouse.

The explosion also damaged vehicles, schools and government department's offices.

The Thai government has estimated property losses, suffered by victims of the Mundok firework warehouse explosion, to be about RM14 million.

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