
No price hike in meat, coconut, and chilies for Hari Raya in Perlis

KANGAR: The Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) has given an assurance that there will be no no price increases for meat, coconut, and chilies in Perlis ahead of the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations next week.

Perlis KPDN Office's enforcement chief Farah Adlina Ropaie said based on price monitoring carried out by the ministry showed that there was sufficient supply for controlled items such as onions, garlic, dried chillies, fresh chillies, ginger, coconut, meat and fishes in the state for the festive.

"This year's Aidilfitri maximum price scheme is being implemented for 15 days beginning today until April 19.

"As for now, there is sufficient supply for essential items for the festive season, including supplies sourced from Thailand," she told reporters after carrying out a price inspection at Pasar Besar Sena here today.

Farah said although processed chicken was no longer placed under the maximum price scheme, our checks at several hypermarkets showed that it was being sold at a reasonable price of between RM7.30 and RM7.90 per kg.

"Same goes with meat, there is no significant price hike as there is ample supply and being sold at RM35 per kg, which is below the ceiling price of RM40," he said.

The ministry has listed 22 essential items under the maximum price scheme for this upcoming festive season.

Among the items are tomatoes, imported round cabbage, long beans, cucumbers, mustard greens, potato and groundnuts.

She added that the ministry's enforcement team had been deployed to inspect and monitor the prices of items listed under the maximum price scheme at public markets, pasar tani and hypermarkets.

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