
Appreciate sacrifices of past Umno leaders, says Sabah Wanita info chief

SANDAKAN: Sabah Wanita Umno information chief Hazulizah Md Dani says the younger generation should appreciate the sacrifices made by past leaders of the party.

Hazulizah, who is also Batu Sapi Wanita Umno chief, added that the current generation must learn to treasure the blessings and services rendered by past party leaders who fought for the nation, religion and country.

"Without them (past leaders), the country would not have developed as it is now.

"Therefore, the younger generation needs to respect and appreciate those who have contributed to the nation," she said after visiting former party leaders of her division recently.

Hazulizah said these leaders were willing to sacrifice their time, energy and even wealth to defend the party and ensure its continuity today.

"We are a generation that remembers the services rendered. We know that we would not be here enjoying these blessings if it weren't for the contributions of our great leaders in the past.

"This is also a reminder to current leaders holding the trust to learn from the positive elements and characteristics of these leaders and not to be swayed by practices like 'forgetting one's roots', as practised by some leaders who have jumped parties.

"We respect democracy; they are exercising their right to jump, but let's not belittle and degrade the party that has provided blessings to them in the past," Hazulizah said.

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