
Water samples taken from stream after dead fish found near PD chemical waste facility

SEREMBAN: Water samples from a tributary near the storage facility for scheduled chemical waste in Port Dickson razed in a fire on Friday have been taken following reports of dead fish yesterday.

State Entrepreneurship, Human Resources, Climate Change, Cooperatives and Consumerism exco S. Veerapan said the state government had issued a directive for a thorough investigation conducted on the report.

"Today, I visited the facility after receiving complaints about dead fish in the tributary.

"I'm also monitoring the investigation into the case with the Department of Environment," he said in a statement today.

He said the relevant authorities have been instructed to monitor the air and water quality around the fire site and take necessary steps in the matter.

He said an investigation paper would be opened, with water samples taken for further action.

"During the investigation, no issues with water and air quality were found."

It was reported that the fire that ravaged the storage facility for scheduled chemical waste at Cenviro Sdn Bhd (Pusat Kualiti Alam), Bukit Pelanduk, Port Dickson on late Friday afternoon was brought under control a few hours later.

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