
Mat Sabu: 140,000 tons of rice being distributed nationwide

SERDANG: The distribution of 140,000 metric tonnes of rice nationwide is proceeding smoothly, said Agriculture and Food Security Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu.

"Despite some shortages, the matter has been managed well, " said Mohamad at the inauguration of the Veterinary Development Convention and Innovation Day held at University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang, here today.

He said that producers, in cooperation with the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry, were able to address the shortages, with 140,000 metric tonnes of rice now in the market.

According to Mohamad, they have seen some positive results, based on the drop in the number of public complaints.

"We noticed that there are now fewer complaints than during the earlier stages," he said.

He also added that with the current achievements, the country is capable of achieving an 80 per cent self-sufficiency rate (SSR) target.

"However, the food supply issues, especially rice, need to be addressed properly, otherwise the country will face the same problems again and might struggle to achieve at least 80 per cent of the SSR to meet domestic demands," said Mohamad.

A total of 500 employees from the Veterinary Services Department (DVS) attended the convention, which is being held from May 13 to 16.

The convention brought together development agents and technical officers from departments across Malaysia in a forum aimed at sharing experience, latest technologies, and knowledge related to the livestock industry.

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