
Unveiling the mysteries of Bukit Tengkorak archaeological sites

NESTLED amidst the serene landscapes of Semporna, lies a treasure trove of ancient wonders waiting to be explored – the Bukit Tengkorak archaeological sites.

Perched about 182 metres above sea level, this archaeological marvel offers a glimpse into Southeast Asia's rich Neolithic history, beckoning travellers on a journey through time.


Situated along Jalan Tampi-Tampi, just 10 kilometres south of Semporna town, Bukit Tengkorak boasts a rich tapestry of historical significance.

Once a volcanic rock-shelter site, it served as a thriving pottery-making factory during the Neolithic period, making it the largest of its kind in Southeast Asia. Today, it stands as a testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of our ancestors, offering a window into a bygone era.


As you traverse the hill slopes of Bukit Tengkorak, you'll be greeted by a mosaic of pottery shards, each bearing witness to the vibrant culture and artistic prowess of ancient civilizations.

Dating back 3,000 years, these fragments serve as silent storytellers, whispering tales of innovation and tradition passed down through generations.

Moreover, an ethno-archaeological study reveals that the art of pottery-making continues to thrive among the Bajau community of Semporna, bridging the gap between past and present.


For those eager to embark on this archaeological odyssey, reaching Bukit Tengkorak is a straightforward endeavour.

Situated along the Semporna-Tawau road, just a short 10-kilometre journey from Semporna town, the site is easily accessible to both enthusiasts and casual visitors alike.

Whether you're drawn by a thirst for knowledge or simply seeking a moment of reflection amidst nature's embrace, Bukit Tengkorak promises an enriching experience for all who venture its path.


As custodians of our cultural heritage, it is our collective responsibility to safeguard sites like Bukit Tengkorak for future generations.

By preserving these archaeological treasures, we ensure that the legacy of our ancestors lives on, inspiring curiosity and reverence in generations to come.

So, as you tread upon the ancient grounds of Bukit Tengkorak, take a moment to reflect on the wonders of our shared history and the timeless beauty it beholds.

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