
Take time to decide, if planning to study medicine, MMA tells students

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) advised students considering a career in medicine to thoroughly explore the profession before committing.

MMA president Dr Azizan Abdul Aziz stressed the importance of understanding the core values of the medical profession and that they need to be well aware that in the medical profession, patients' needs come first.

"A career in medicine can be fulfilling but it is not for everyone.

"We advise students and their parents to take the time to find out more about the profession before deciding on it, as they need to be aware of the challenges and commitment involved," he said in a statement today.

Furthermore, Azizan noted the considerable financial and time investment required for medical studies.

He said depending on the university, the cost of studying medicine in Malaysia ranges between RM250,000 and RM650,000, with the programme typically spanning five years.

"Following medical school, graduates must undergo rigorous houseman training within the public healthcare system, a phase where many struggle to cope with the high demands and often drop out.

"Many find themselves at a crossroads during their housemanship because their expectations do not match the reality on the ground," he added.

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