
Solving disputes through Kadazandusun practice of 'eating salt'

PENAMPANG: Beyond the beautiful traditional costumes displayed during pageants and singing competitions, the Kadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA) has showcased the lesser-known practice of "eating salt" to the public this year.

Sabah Kaamatan Festival organising chairman Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said the association and private individuals had recent disputes over involvement in the month-long celebration at Hongkod Koisaan here.

It was learned that stalls operating on private land opposite and near the main venue were not allowed.

In response, the person in charge announced that the public was forbidden from even passing through the area to reach Hongkod Koisaan.

"Sometimes, when there are problems in the agreement, there are words that are not supposed to be said, but they are uttered.

"Therefore, to apologise and work together, we had 'pibabasan' (peacemaking), which is part of the culture, where usually both parties feed each other salt.

"But in this case, we had a salt container, so both of us took salt from there and ate it. It is still the same (gesture)," he said during a press conference at Hongkod Koisaan.

Meanwhile, the deputy chief minister said that this year, RM2.5 million was allocated to celebrate the festival on a large scale.

He added that the organising committee also engaged foreigners, including representatives from the United Nations and international schools.

On Friday, the culmination of the state Kaamatan festival will have Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim closing the event for the second time.

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