
Govt won't allow racial and religious sentiments to be exploited, warns PM

PENAMPANG: The MADANI government strongly rejects racial and religious sentiments being played up by certain parties in the country.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said he was aware that some parties were trying to use such narrow sentiments that could affect the unity of the country's multiethnic society.

He said that as long as his government was in power, there would be no room for such sentiments to spread, emphasising that the government would not compromise on such matters.

He added that this was why he accepted the invitation to officiate at the closing ceremony of the Pesta Kaamatan in Sabah today, as a sign of support for the importance of unity among the country's various ethnic groups.

"I express my appreciation and thanks to the state government and the organising committee for inviting me today.

"I consider this not only an honour but also a sign of close cooperation between the state and federal governments and our open attitude in honouring the beautiful cultural diversity in our country, including during the Kaamatan celebration.

"But we must be vigilant because there are still elements that raise racial and ethnic sentiments, as seen in political clashes in the peninsula, where some drag in narrow racial attitudes and reject other ethnic rights. Some play up religious sentiments to the extent of considering all others worthless," he said at the closing ceremony of the Pesta Kaamatan 2024 at the Hongkod Koisaan Hall, Kadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA), here today.

Also present were Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor, his deputy and organising chairman Datuk Dr Jeffery Kitingan, and KDCA President Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan.

The prime minister said the federal government adheres to the clear constitutional principles regarding religion, culture and language of every ethnic group.

He stated that his government would never breach these guarantees, as they were considered the strength of a multiethnic country that must always be preserved.

"The government guarantees that every right of the people of this country is protected. I continue to emphasise this because such movements still exist even after six decades and this cannot be tolerated," he said.

He added that the government was open to criticism or suggestions from all parties, even on difficult matters, but these should not touch on issues that insult ethnicity and religion.

"That is why I chose to attend the Pesta Kaamatan because of the vibrant and beautiful culture throughout Malaysia. Even the celebrations made by the Prime Minister's Department have never left out the Kadazandusun Murut tribe. We always include the Malaysian identity as there are Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazandusuns, Dayaks and many other ethnic groups," he said.

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