
New ceiling price of local white rice to be finalised before Oct, says Mat Sabu

SERDANG: The change in the ceiling price of local white rice will be finalised before October, this year.

Agriculture and Food Security Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu said discussions, involving several ministries, on the ceiling price of local white rice were ongoing.

"It (the proposal to increase the ceiling price) is still being discussed.

"There are still a few discussions needed.

"Four to five ministries, including the Economy Ministry and the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry, are involved in the talks not just us (referring to his ministry).

"Hence, maybe before October (the price change will be finalised)," he said when met by reporters at the launch of the 2024 Malaysian Agriculture, Horticulture and Agro Tourism Exhibition.

Previously, Mohamad reportedly said that the discussions regarding the proposal to increase the ceiling price of local white rice were ongoing and would take a few more months before a decision was reached.

This comes after his announcement last November that the government would review a proposal by the Padi and Rice Regulatory Division to increase the ceiling price of local white rice to protect the future of all parties in the food production chain.

Meanwhile, the New Straits Times (NST) in February this year reported calls from the Malaysian Padi Farmers' Brotherhood Organisation (Pesawah) for the federal government to boldly act in taking a decisive step in raising the price of locally produced white rice, which has remained unchanged at RM2.60 per kilogramme (kg) since 2008, in order to support the padi industry.

Pesawah executive council member Abdul Rashid Yob said the decision, despite an expected strong public reaction due to the rise in the cost of living, was crucial for the sustainability of the padi industry and to ensure food security.

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