
Prices of essential items remain unchanged in Kedah

ALOR STAR: The prices of essential items in Kedah remain stable during the first week of the diesel subsidy rationalisation with checks at Pasar Besar in Alor Star today showing beef and chicken prices were unchanged.

Butcher Johana Izalfy Jamaluddin, 39, said prices of imported beef remained the same as during the Hari Raya Aidilfitri festive period.

He said that imported beef was priced at RM22 per kg compared to RM23 per kg about three months ago.

"The price of imported beef has remained the same for the past few months with the supply stable but the price of local beef may differ due to the Hari Raya Aidiladha demand.

"So far, alhamdulillah, there's no word that prices will be affected by the rationalisation of diesel subsidies. We'll see in the next few weeks and hope that nothing is affected," he said.

Similarly, Mohd Zakir Zahir, 28, a poultry trader at the market, sai for now there was no reason to increase prices, as his suppliers were not imposing additional charges despite the rationalisation of diesel subsidies.

"The price of chicken remained relatively stable. They fluctuate weekly based on demand. A few weeks ago, it was RM9.10 per kg, and now it is RM9.30 per kg.

"As for now, the diesel subsidy rationalisation hasn't affected us," he added.

Spice trader Kau Chai Lang, 58, said there was a significant decrease in onion varieties imported from India, with both large and small onions dropping RM5 per kg compared to March.

"During Ramadan, we were shocked by the prices. We received shipments of large onions for RM43 per 5kg, but now it's only RM13 per 5kg. Small onions also decreased from RM45 per 5kg to only RM15 per 5kg," she added.

Housewife Rohani Ishak, 56, said she was satisfied with her RM200 spend for Hari Raya Aidiladha preparations at the market today.

"Prices of goods have always been increasing throughout the years. Consumers will always feel burdened. However, nothing seems out of the ordinary today. I'm satisfied," she said.

Khairi Abd Khodir, 31, said he hopes traders will not take advantage of the rationalisation of diesel subsidies to raise prices.

"The prices are manageable and don't feel burdensome. There is concern about a price hike with the rationalisation of diesel subsidies, but traders should not take advantage of the situation," said the factory worker.

Razita Razamiah, 20, said the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry should continue to conduct routine checks around the market to ensure traders were not raising prices unreasonably.

Meanwhile, a similar situation was observed for essential items at grocery stores.

Samsudeen Nazir Mohamed, 27, said there was no sudden price hike at his family's convenience store in Taman Uda here.

He said that his suppliers assured him that price fluctuations were unlikely as legitimate logistics services still enjoy diesel subsidies through fleet cards.

"However, I anticipate the possibility of a price hike after Hari Raya Aidiladha. Next month's goods might be a bit more expensive," he said.

He also said enforcement officers from the ministry have checked his store to ensure that prices are controlled.

"Prices in my store are slightly higher than in hypermarkets that receive products in bulk, but since I'm not paying more for the supplies, there's no reason to increase prices for now," he added.

Similarly, Alor Mengkudu Mydin branch manager Muhamad Waliyuddin Abd Aziz confirmed that the price of goods were unchanged at the hypermarket.

"There are no price changes for any goods here due to the implementation of targeted diesel subsidies," he said.

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