
DPM, ministers extend Aidiladha greetings

KUALA LUMPUR: Several Cabinet ministers extended their Hari Raya Aidiladha greetings to all Muslims in the country today.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi calls for everyone to strengthen their bonds with family, friends, and the local community.

"Through the act of 'qurban', we not only fulfil a religious duty but also assist those in need and demonstrate compassion and love towards our fellow beings.

"To our brothers and sisters performing the haj in the Holy Land, I pray that all your acts of worship are accepted by Allah and that you return home safely with a 'mabrur haj'. For those who have yet to have the opportunity, may Allah ease your path to fulfilling the fifth pillar of Islam in the future.

"Let this Aidiladha be a time for us to renew our intentions and sincerity in all our actions."

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof who is also the Energy Transition and Water Transformation Ministry (Petra) minister reminded everyone that Aidiladha is the best time for self-reflection and to consider the significant sacrifices that are happening.

"(It's time to reflect on) the 'ulil amri' (leaders who safeguard the interests of the people) tirelessly working to advance our nation, the struggle of Muslims to defend their faith in the challenging times, and our empathy for what is happening in Gaza.

"Let this Aidiladha be a manifestation of our sacrifices for the community, such as feeding and distributing 'qurban meat' to the rightful recipients, especially to the poor and needy. May our haj, qurban, and all acts of worship be accepted by Allah. I also believe that even the smallest of our sacrifices will be valued by Him."

Meanwhile, Investment, Trade and Industry Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz extended the Hari Raya greetings, hoping that all acts of worship this year be accepted and blessed by Allah.

"I wish all Muslims a joyous Aidiladha. Aidilfitri is celebrated with triumph, while Aidiladha completes the act of sacrifice. May all our acts of worship this year be accepted and blessed by Allah SWT, Insya-Allah.

"For those travelling back to their hometowns, I pray for your safe journey to and from your destination."

Muslim Malaysians will celebrate Aidiladha or the Hari Raya Haji tomorrow, which is equivalent to Zulhijah 10, 1445 Hijrah.

Aidiladha, which means the 'Feast of the Sacrifice' is one of the most important events in the Islamic calendar.

It honours the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son, Ismail, as an act of obedience to Allah's command and Allah's mercy in putting a ram in Ismail's place at the last moment, according to Islamic traditions.

Aidiladha also marks the end of the haj, the annual pilgrimage to Makkah, when millions of Muslims make the journey to the holy city in Saudi Arabia.

Muslims will sacrifice cows, goats, and lambs, among other animals in remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim's devotion to Allah and, after that, distribute the meat to family and neighbours as well as the needy.

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