
Sultan Ibrahim quick to voice concerns about, resolve racial and religious tensions

KUALA LUMPUR: His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim, King of Malaysia, has been described as quick to voice his concerns about and work towards resolutions in times of racial or religious tension.

Sultanah Fatimah Foundation (YSF) chairman Datuk David Wong Khong Soon said, therefore, Sultan Ibrahim was dedicated to learning and understanding the country's rich cultural diversity.

"He makes it a point to personally attend the famous Chingay parade held in Johor annually.

"This shows how keen he is to learn about all the cultures in Malaysia, which can only bring all the diverse communities closer.

"In my opinion, this is how a true leader should be," he said in an interview with Bernama TV, today.

Soon said His Majesty had always been known as the people's King.

"He (Sultan Ibrahim) is always hands-on with everything he does and leads by example during disasters.

"His Majesty willingly braves floods to assess the situation, check on the welfare of his people, and bring comfort and assurance to the victims.

"He uses his position to speak up for the benefit of his people," he said.

Soon said Sultan Ibrahim's genuine concern for his people was evident in his continuous support for YSF, which aids the sick, poor and needy.

"Tuanku started with a personal donation of RM1 million at the inception of YSF and has continuously donated to assist the less fortunate, including providing scholarships for B40 school students.

"His Majesty's commitment to welfare extends to rural areas, where he promptly addresses the needs of victims affected by natural disasters by overseeing repairing or rebuilding damaged houses.

"By starting this foundation to cater specifically to the needs of the Chinese community, Sultan Ibrahim has proven to be a just king who cares for all his subjects regardless of race or religion," he said.

Meanwhile, His Majesty's personal officer Datuk R. Sugumaran reflected on his over 20 years of service, describing Sultan Ibrahim as a compassionate leader.

He recounted a poignant moment that showcased Sultan Ibrahim's compassion.

In a tragic incident where six children were killed in a bicycle accident, the King's immediate reaction was to rush to the hospital morgue.

"Upon arriving there, His Majesty was in tears, seeing the families of these six children in such sorrow.

"He immediately instructed the authorities to provide the best aid to the victims' families and take strict actions to prevent such incidents in the future."

Sugumaran said Sultan Ibrahim has had an affect on him both personally and professionally, highlighting two key qualities imparted by His Majesty: loyalty and sincerity.

"There are two qualities that I see and have experienced from His Majesty personally and professionally.

"It is the loyalty and sincerity in daily duties and interactions with His Majesty and his family," he said.

He added that Sultan Ibrahim always emphasised that public interests should supersede personal interests, a principle he deeply respects.

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