
Elmina air crash pilots died of multiple injuries, say investigators

KUALA LUMPUR: The cause of death of both pilots in last year's Elmina air crash was multiple injuries, investigators said.

The final report issued by the Air Accident Investigation Bureau (AAIB) said evidence indicated that neither the Pilot-in-Command (PIC) nor the Second-in-Command (SIC) suffered from cockpit incapacitation, thus ruling out medical cause and contributing factors for the accident.

"Post-mortem of the toxicology information and investigations found that neither the PIC nor the SIC were under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs.

"Witness accounts reported that the PIC was in good health the night before the accident and had adequate rest before the flight departing from Langkawi," the report said.

The report said both pilots held valid medical certificates from the US Federal Aviation Administration and the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia.

A review of both PIC and SIC's medical certificates and supporting documentation showed no significant medical concerns.

The attending designated medical examiner identified no significant conditions upon physical examination.

"Based on available history and physical examinations, the pilot had no known medical conditions that could pose significant hazards to flight safety," the report read.

Earlier, in the report, AAIB said the cause of the air crash was the loss of control in-flight. It found that the primary cause of the accident was the inadvertent extension of the lift dump spoilers, most likely by the pilot, who was the second-in-command, during the Before Landing checks.

The crash killed all eight people onboard, along with two road users.


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