
MAIWP warns Malaysians about marriage document forgery syndicate in Southern Thailand

PATTANI (Southern Thailand): The Pattani Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) has issued a warning to Malaysians wishing to marry in Southern Thailand to be wary of syndicates that use forged documents.

MAIWP President Wae Deramae Mamingchik said the council has about 10 individuals who are authorised and mandated to conduct marriage ceremonies, which must be held only at the MAIWP office.

He said the warning comes in the wake of individuals who forge marriage documents purportedly issued by Islamic religious councils in Southern Thailand.

"MAIWP found many syndicates looking for opportunities to charge high fees compared to what MAIWP charges, which is only around 4,000 baht (RM511.82) to 5,000 baht (RM639.78) for wedding fees.

"There are syndicates, especially in Padang Besar (Songkhla Province), that forge Islamic religious council documents with fake signatures and official stamps," he told Bernama after the Thailand Al Quran Recitation Ceremony on Wednesday.

Wae Deramae mentioned that MAIWP has serial numbers and dates for marriage certificates that can be verified at the Islamic Council and the Malaysian Consul General's office.

"We send the names of authorised marriage officiants to the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) and the religious offices, including examples of signatures," he said.

He further explained that approximately 10 Malaysian couples marry at MAIWP each month, and strict requirements are imposed on foreign couples wishing to marry in Pattani.

Most couples choose to get married in Southern Thailand because they face difficulties or do not get approval to get married in Malaysia.

"Among the conditions is that (the bride-to-be) must have a letter of permission (from the guardian), enter Thailand legally, and have the marriage ceremony at the Islamic religious council office," he said.

Wae Deramae added a copy of the marriage registration letter will also be sent to the Malaysian Consul General's Office in Songkhla for record.

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