KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah government will fund improvements to ease traffic congestion on the federal road between Kundasang and Ranau.
State Finance Minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun said the state had approved plans to add overtaking lanes along the route.
This stretch, typically a 15-minute drive, can take up to two hours during peak travel times, especially on holidays.
The Karanaan assemblyman said the route is also important as it connects the west coast to Sandakan, Tawau and other districts.
"If we have an overtaking lane, it would facilitate faster vehicles to overtake (other heavy vehicles such as lorries) and reduce travel time.
"We are currently waiting for a design from JKR (Public Works Department), and once JKR provides the design, we can estimate the costs involved," he told reporters after the handing over of lion's heads at Hakka hall here.
Masidi added that the state government would not wait despite the stretch of those roads being under the central government.
"It would be better if they cover the expenses since it is a federal road. However, if we feel their implementation is too slow, the state government is ready to bear the expenses because it involves public interest, which affects a significant number of people."
Earlier during his speech, Masidi also said that the state government would work closely with the federal government including on the electricity supply.