NST Viral

#NSTviral: Firefighters' heartwarming roadside iftar goes viral on social media [Watch]

KUALA LUMPUR: A heartwarming clip capturing a team of firefighters breaking their fast at the roadside after completing a duty has stirred emotions across social media platforms.

In a TikTok video shared by @wawan0405, one of the firefighters revealed that he and his brigade had to prioritise their duties over their own needs to respond to an emergency.

The footage vividly portrays how the firefighters rushed to the scene just minutes before iftar.

In the 12-second viral video, a fellow firefighter can be seen holding a large jug of soya cincau on his lap as their captain navigates towards the calamity site.

In a follow-up clip, they were observed breaking their fast together at the roadside after finishing their task, savouring the drinks they had brought earlier.

The comments section overflowed with empathy and admiration for the firefighters, acknowledging the sacrifice they made by rushing to an emergency after a day of fasting.

"Thank you, firefighter. It must be challenging to be on the verge of breaking fast and then suddenly receive a call requiring an immediate response," said user @Fixx275.

"Last night, there was a forest fire just before breaking fast. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the firefighters having to respond to a case during Iftar time. Thank you, firefighters," commented @Honeyza Azam.

"Even when they're about to break fast, they're immediately on alert if an emergency call comes. Thank you to all the firefighters," said @Cactus.

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