NST Viral

#NSTviral: Orangutan rummages through fridge in Sepilok cafe

SANDAKAN: A 29-second video of an orangutan helping itself to drinks from a fridge in Sepilok has gone viral, and left netizens in stitches.

The footage, captured by Welfred Yudot but shared via the Arthur Chong Facebook page, shows the incident taking place at the Keruing Cafe in the Rainforest Discovery Centre (RDC) in Sepilok near here.

"Due to the extremely hot weather today, an unexpected guest dropped by at the Keruing Cafe in RDC Sepilok and helped itself selectively to whatever was found in the fridge and left without paying!" said Chong in the caption for the video which was uploaded yesterday.

The video shows the primate deliberating over which canned drinks to choose before ultimately deciding on two cartons.

The orangutan was seen drinking a white-coloured fluid from one of the cartons before leaving the cafe with the other carton.

Netizens were in stitches seeing the orangutan's antics.

Facebook user Sabina Arokiam said the primate only took what it needed.

"Impressive... guess it only took what it needed, and it did not rummage through the entire loot or make a huge mess.

"Would have been even more impressive if it closed the door of the fridge after helping itself. But then again, maybe it kept the door open to let the others have a go as well," said Sabina.

Phil Bragg said in jest that someone should probably charge the orangutan for taking the items from the fridge.

"(The) cameraman should be sending an invoice later today?"

Another netizen claimed the same orangutan visited another premises.

Ronald K. Asuncion said he believed it was the same primate seen at a nearby resort.

"This dude (orangutan) didn't just ransack Keruing Cafe. It went all the way to our place at the My Nature Resort. Even sat at the counter like he was the manager."

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