
DAP a gangster-like party that fakes its tolerance for Islam, says Takiyuddin

KUALA LUMPUR: Pas has branded DAP as a manipulative, "gangster-like" party that has been faking its tolerance for Islam.

In a stinging rebuke, the harshest yet against its former ally, Pas also branded DAP a party that is not only childish, but also practising “combative, impulsive and destructive” politics.

Pas secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan said it was inevitable that the rakyat would eventually see the DAP for what it is: a chauvinistic party that would manipulate any party just to be in power.

He also said Pas doesn't need to be given lessons by DAP on the political direction that it needs to take.

"Pas has never compromised its clear-cut policies, which also takes into account the needs of the current situation and times.

“Pas is committed to a democratic path which is politically healthy and constructive, while at same time rejecting the combative, tumultuous and destructive politics practised by DAP," he said in a statement.

Takiyuddin said, in facing the 14th general election (GE14), Pas is prepared to accept the people’s judgment on whether it should play a role as a member of the opposition or the government.

“The DAP can continue with its chauvinistic policy as well as its pretense as being ‘Islamic friendly’ as its approach in facing the GE14.

“The people can evaluate the attitude and the true deception of the DAP in manipulating whoever it wants, for the sake of getting power."

Takiyuddin also told DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng to focus on sorting out DAP’s own internal problems instead of judging Pas.

“He should be aware that in the current term itself, DAP had lost eight members of parliament and state assemblymen and is likely to lose several others before the term is complete.

“I believe DAP's childish and gangster-like politics will not only see it lose the Malay and non-Malay votes, but also votes from the Chinese community,” he said.

The Kota Baru Member of Parliament said the dispute between several DAP leaders against other Chinese-based party leaders is a classic example of DAP's attitude.

Takiyuddin also noted that DAP's

Central Executive Committee election last November was yet another clear proof of the turmoil within in the party.

The CEC re-election reportedly saw the presence of only half of the total number of delegates who were supposed to be in attendance.

This, said Takiyuddin, poses a question mark on DAP's democratic credentials.

He also quoted a statement made by DAP's former Jawi assemblyman Tan Beng Huat on the party, which read: ‘Lim Kit Siang is a dictator bent on building a political dynasty. He does not tolerate dissent similar to (Tun) Dr Mahathir (Mohamad) who is only interested in ensuring his son ascends to power. They are one and the same, interested only in building their family dynasty and fulfilling their political thirst'.

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