
MCA wants to dissolve BN (NSTTV)

KUALA LUMPUR: MCA is now seeking for the dissolution of Barisan Nasional (BN) following a call by party delegates demanding for the coalition to be "reforged".

The resolution which was reached by 1,637 delegates at the Wisma MCA during the party's 65th general assembly today, had provided the MCA central committee with the mandate to "initiate the dissolution process".

However, it remains to be seen how the party can go about doing it considering that it does not hold a veto power to break the coalition, despite the apparent prerogative displayed in the resolution.

"The central committee will initiate the process (seeking to dissolve BN). They will take the next course of action.

"A proposal will be submitted and discussed by the coalition's supreme council."

"We will seek a consensus with our partners," MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong told a media conference today after delivering a speech to adjourn the general assembly.

In a printed statement on the party's resolutions, it said: "The general assembly authorises the central committee to pave the way for the dissolution of BN and forge an effective alliance."

BN now only houses Umno, MCA and MIC, after Gerakan and Sabah- and Sarawak-based parties deserted the coalition following its devastating defeat in the national polls.

In the Dewan Rakyat, Umno now holds 42 seats, MIC has two and MCA remains with one.

Today's resolution also deviated from what was previously reported, in which the party was seeking to exit BN.

When asked on the exact manoeuvre to be taken in order to convince coalition partners on a potential BN dissolution, Wee said: "We'll know what to do."

To a question, Wee refused to comment on whether he would prefer for a new pact to he formed.

"I will not fall for that trap (question). I said reforge (the coalition), and nothing else to add."

When asked whether the dissolution of BN was demanded by the Chinese community, Wee said the decision was reached by the delegates.

"I leave the decision to be decided by the delegates, which followed democratic process. This decision was passed by the general assembly."

To another question, Wee said the number of party representatives in parliament does not determine MCA's clout over its call for dissolution.

"Members of the press, please understand the structure (of BN). It is not about the number of seats.

"It is about consensus. We are BN. (For example) under the MCA constitution, the general bestows power to the central committee."

Wee also denied that he had any hand in reaching the resolution.

"This is not my resolution. It is the delegates who have the say."

Among other resolutions reached were the party's objection over the abolishment of the death penalty, call for Pakatan Harapan government to fulfill its manifesto and replace any incapable ministers from the cabinet roster, and opposition against the alleged selective move to close the Secretariat for the Advancement of Malaysian Entrepreneurs.

Report by Hidir Reduan Abdul Rashid, Syed Umar Ariff, and Fairul Asmani Mohd Pilus

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