
Gerakan takes govt to task for not implementing UEC

GEORGE TOWN: Gerakan has taken Pakatan Harapan government to task for failure to implement the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) as promised in the 14th General Election (GE14) manifesto despite being in charge of the federal government for the past nine months.

Gerakan deputy president said the government has been making excuses until today for being unable to deliver its promise.

He said that UEC recognition was a promise specifically made for the Chinese community but they were postponing the recognition.

“They should openly announce it (the government) does not plan to do so, instead of repeatedly postponing and giving false hopes to the people.

“Sometimes they say the manifesto is not a Bible, at times saying the feelings of Malays must be taken into consideration and so on.

“So who can take care of the Chinese voters, since the Chinese have given 90% support to PH? Is this acceptable to the Chinese community?

“Pakatan Harapan should deliver their promises instead of delaying or else this is akin to cheating the people and hoodwinking the votes given by the Chinese community,” he said in a statement today.

In August last year, Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik said the government would not rush into a decision on UEC.

Maszlee in a parliamentary written reply had said a decision can only be made after a detailed study within the next five years, despite PH’s promise to recognise UEC as a pathway to public university entrance.

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