
Ahmad Faizal, Perak Excos resign

IPOH: Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu resigned as Perak Menteri Besar a day after he lost a vote of confidence in the State Assembly.

The Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) deputy president in a press conference this evening announced that he had submitted his letter of resignation to the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah, today.

He also announced that the Perak state executive councillors (excos) had also stepped down from their respective positions.

Ahmad Faizal said it depends on the Perak Palace to determine when his resignation would take effect.

"Praise to Allah, at 3pm today, I sought an audience with the Sultan of Perak. I have submitted my resignation letter as Perak Menteri Besar and so have all state executive councillors (excos)," he said at Laman Seri Ridzuan, here, today.

"On behalf of myself and all exco members, I would like to express my gratitude to the State Secretary Datuk Ahmad Suaidi Abdul Rahim, and the staff of the state administration, departments and agencies.

"This is absolutely a precious experience and full of challenges. I have tried my best and as a human being, I am not perfect and should there be any wrongdoings, I am sorry," he said, while trying to hold back tears.

Also present at the press conference were Datuk Zainol Fadzi Paharuddin (Bersatu-Sungai Manik); Datuk Abdul Yunus Jamhari (Bersatu-Kuala Kurau); Datuk Nolee Ashilin Mohammed Munaim (Bersatu-Tualang Sekah); Paul Yong Choo Kiong (Independent-Tronoh) and A. Sivasubramaniam (Gerakan-Buntong).

Ahmad Faizal expressed hope that Perak would continue to be blessed by Allah, be kept away from all calamities and disasters and its people blessed with happiness in this world and in the hereafter.

"This journey is still long. Should we bump into each other, don't forget to approach me as a former Menteri besar. We will see each other again, soon," he said.

Earlier, Ahmad Faizal was seen entering Istana Kinta at about 3pm. He left the palace about half an hour later.

Three opposition leaders from Perak Pakatan Harapan (PH) also had an audience with the Perak ruler in the morning. They were Perak DAP chairman, Nga Kor Ming; Perak PKR chairman, Farhash Wafa Salvador Rizal Mubarak; and Perak Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) chairman, Datuk Asmuni Awi.

They left Istana Kinta at 11.35am, after a 20-minute audience with the ruler.

The trio was followed by Perak Umno chairman Datuk Saarani Mohamad, who was seen entering the palace at 11.37am and leaving about half an hour later.

It is believed that the meetings were held to discuss Friday's vote of confidence on Ahmad Faizal, which saw the Chenderiang assemblyman failing to secure a simple majority of support from fellow assemblymen.

Ahmad Faizal, saw only 10 out of 59 assemblymen supporting him, with 48 voting against the motion, and one abstaining.

The motion was tabled by Pengkalan Baru assemblyman Datuk Abdul Manaf Hashim and seconded by Temenggor assemblyman, Salbiah Mohamad and Pasir Pinji assemblyman, Howard Lee Chuan How.

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