
GE15: I want to bring warmth of friendship to politics, maybe over ikan bakar, says BN man

ARAU: The candidates for the Tambun Tulang state seat are bracing for the heat in their four-cornered contest. But it's the warmth of friendship over an ikan bakar meal that the hopefuls from Barisan Nasional, Pakatan Harapan, Perikatan Nasional and Parti Pejuang Tanah Air have on their minds.

BN's Datuk Ismail Kassim, who is seeking re-election in the state seat, said he and his opponents, whom he described as "adik-beradik" (siblings) had pledged to share a meal together.

"The candidates are quite incredible because there plenty of young people, like the PN candidate Wan Zikri Afthar Ishak.

"We have planned to maybe have ikan bakar, once here and maybe there, in this era of new leadership. We are not too tied to our parties.

"In developed countries, election candidates can be friends even if they have different ideologies," he said after the nomination process for the Arau parliamentary and Pauh, Guar Sanji, Tambun Tulang, Simpang Empat and Sanglang state constituencies at Dewan Harumanis in Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Pauh, today.

Ismail said he wanted to focus on a mature brand of politics, without rancour.

"On my chances for re-election, I know the voters of Tambun Tulang and my relationship with them is not superficial, but close.

"Even my relationship with my opponents, we are like adik beradik. We are friends and know each other well."

Ismail, affectionately known as "Chu Kassim" among locals, is the younger brother of former Arau member of parliament Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim.

He pledged to have an open campaign.

"If other candidates want to enter Tambun Tulang to meet voters, I welcome them. InsyaAllah, I am confident of winning in Tambun Tulang."

Ismail has been Tambun Tulang assemblyman since 2013.

He had stood in Arau as a parliamentary candidate in a 1998 by-election, but lost to Pas spiritual adviser Datuk Hashim Jasin. He was succesful in his second bid in 2008.

In the 15th General Election, Ismail will face Maton Din of Pejuang, Muhammad Syahmi Suhaimi of PH and Wan Zikri of PN.

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