
Positive power of multiculturalism of Kazakhstan

Being a newly-appointed diplomat to Malaysia, I have discovered a common feature of Kazakhstan and Malaysia in the field of interethnic harmony and unification.

Changes generate different experiences, albeit all worries have dissipated due to the respect, acceptance and appreciation of other nations foreigners observe in Malaysia, which is akin to the culture of Kazakhstan.

Rich historical backgrounds of Kazakhstan and Malaysia provide greater understanding of their strength through blooming inter-ethnic relations, which have become a foundation for the successful socio-economic and political development of the states. Both countries have had great success in the management, preservation and development of ethnic cultures.

The world has been witnessing "the Clash of Civilizations" (Samuel P. Huntington thesis that post-Cold War conflicts will be primarily fueled and defined by cultural civilizational differences); however, Kazakhstan and Malaysia maintain the tolerance in the societies and encourage multiculturalism.

Cross-cultural interaction enriches the nations though various languages, philosophies, fashion and food, which makes the countries a gastronomical paradise.

For centuries, Kazakhstan has been at the crossroads of civilizations, connecting East and West. Territories of the nowadays Kazakhstan have seen this powerful fusion of cultures since the Great Silk Road. The famous Kazakh culture of hospitality has helped many other ethnic groups of then-Soviet Union to find their new home in Kazakhstan.

Today Kazakhstan is a nation of hundreds of cultures. When Kazakhstan gained its independence in 1991, many international experts expected the ethnical diversity to become a major risk factor for this vast country, abundant of natural resources.

However, wisdom of the Great Steppe has prevailed, and the people of Kazakhstan have proven them wrong. Today, this very diverse and culturally enriched society lives in harmony and is proud of their common heritage, their common home and strive for prosperity of their nation.

In the modern history of its independence, Kazakhstan has promoted peace and security at all levels – at home, in the region and across the world. This nation knows and appreciates the social harmony which has been one of the key factors for its economic and political development and tries to help promoting it globally through the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, regionally through Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures is Asia and domestically through Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

The Assembly of People of Kazakhstan exists since this country's independence and represents interests of all ethnic groups of the nation and has its permanent seats at the Parliament. It is a unique institution of social harmony and national unity that prescribes openness to others, tolerance, and respect – the guarantors of social peace and mutual understanding.

With "Fair Kazakhstan: unity, stability, and development" agenda of its 2023 Conference, the Assembly contributes to Kazakhstan's ability to tackle the challenge of these turbulent times and growing global intolerance.

Kazakhstan and Malaysia demonstrate to the world a unique model of interethnic harmony and are a vivid example of smoothing out sharp corners between representatives of different ethnic groups, considering themselves as a single nation and promoting their motherlands to the world.

The writer is Second Secretary – press-attaché of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Malaysia

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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