
Threat of digital colonisation

LETTERS: Can a country be free from neocolonial influence? Freedom from colonisation goes beyond the mere absence of military conflicts as it involves protecting a nation's sovereignty.

Modern colonisation, known as neocolonialism, entails indirect control and influence by powerful nations over less-developed countries through economic policies, multinational corporations and cultural imperialism.

Economic dominance, for instance, occurs when powerful countries exert control over weaker nations through economic means.

These may include resource exploitation, unfair trade agreements and dependence on debt.

For instance, the widespread use of the United States dollar for international trade and financial transactions makes many countries susceptible to exchange rate volatility and US monetary policies, over which they have little influence.

The term banana republic is an example of neocolonialism. It refers to politically unstable countries whose economies depend on exporting a single product or resource, controlled by foreign-owned companies.

This exploitation often disregards fair income distribution and the welfare of the local populace, leading to environmental deterioration, societal instability and economic inequality.

Digital colonisation is another form of neocolonialism, where powerful countries or corporations from technologically advanced regions exert control over less-developed countries or communities through digital means.

These include technological dependency, data extraction and unequal access to digital infrastructure and platforms.

Cultural colonisation occurs when dominant cultures impose their values, norms and practices on other communities, eroding local cultural identities and expressions, endangering the preservation of diverse heritage.

This process can infiltrate society, permeating through media, education, language and the dissemination of globalised content.

The threat of cultural erosion intensifies as digital platforms enable the swift and widespread transmission of foreign influences.

The consequences of cultural erosion are far-reaching, particularly in a country like ours, leading to the loss of cultural identities, undermining social cohesion and compromising our very existence, which thrives on its diverse and multifaceted cultures.

It is, therefore, imperative for nations to recognise the dangers of cultural colonisation and take measures to protect and celebrate their heritage.

A proactive and educated approach can empower nations to protect their interests and collaborate on a global scale.

Striking a balance between cautiousness and openness to engagement with the international community is essential for mutual growth and development.

These include negotiating fair trade agreements with other countries, embracing sustainable development projects in collaboration with international organisations and developed nations, investing in technology transfer and capacity building, promoting and preserving Malaysia's rich cultural heritage, and implementing measures to protect digital sovereignty.

As Malaysia celebrates its independence, it must safeguard its autonomy in a world where neocolonial influences linger.


Head of Unit (External Relations), Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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