
The 'poor rich' shouldn't evade picking up the tab

LETTERS: I wish to shed light on the troubling phenomenon of the so called "poor rich".

Despite their substantial wealth, these individuals evade their financial responsibilities, leaving others to shoulder their share of expenses.

It is not uncommon to encounter someone who promises to pay for dinner but conveniently disappears when the bill arrives, or who makes excuses to avoid paying their share. Or makes financial promises but never had any intention to fulfil them.

At the gurdwara I attend, I notice that those driving flashy cars continue to donate a miserly RM1 at the altar.

With inflation, this amount is not enough even to pay for their cup of tea or the food they consume. Can't they increase their offerings given their wealth? The gurdwara needs financial assistance for maintenance, staff wages and preparing food for worshippers.

When wealthy individuals contribute to communal expenses and charitable causes, they help create a more equitable and cohesive society.

Acts of generosity inspire others to give, creating a ripple effect of goodwill and support within the community. Furthermore, paying one's share and contributing to the welfare of others cultivates a sense of accountability and strengthens social bonds.

A shift in mindset among the wealthy is crucial. Individuals should reflect on the true purpose of their wealth.

Understanding that money cannot be taken to the grave may prompt a re-evaluation of their financial habits and inspire them to use their resources for the greater good.

Communities can play a role in changing such behaviour by setting expectations and holding individuals accountable.

Positive reinforcement, such as public recognition for charitable acts, can motivate change. Generosity is not merely a moral virtue but a social necessity.


Kuala Lumpur

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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