
Performing 'Korban' is to provide for the poor, Sanusi reminds Kedahans

ALOR STAR: Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor has reminded Kedahans that the primary focus in performing the 'korban' ritual is to provide food to the poor and needy.

He said this is significant within the current context of rising costs of living and essential goods prices due to the recent rationalisation of diesel subsidies.

Hence, Sanusi stressed the importance of returning to the philosophy of 'korban', which is to aid those who are less fortunate.

"As people of faith, we must trust in God's promises that whoever sincerely gives to their needy brothers and sisters will not see a decrease but rather an increase in their provisions.

"Therefore, if we have the means or extra funds, even if it's just a little, we should donate. This way, we not only earn rewards for the afterlife but also potentially see our sustenance in this world increase," he said in a statement today.

He said this is the philosophy the state government aims to instill.

"With a community living in an environment of love and mutual concern, we aspire for Kedah to be a dream state for everyone.

"In conjunction with Aidiladha, let us embrace the spirit of sacrifice, willing to endure hardships to ease the burdens of others, so that God may grant us blessings and ease our affairs in both this world and the hereafter," he added.

Commenting further, Sanusi said this is the time to embody the spirit of sacrifice and the willingness to assist those in distress, especially Palestinians who are being oppressed by the Zionist regime.

"Let this Hari Raya be a moment for us to draw closer to God, strengthen our love and Islamic brotherhood, which brings blessings in this life and salvation in the hereafter," he added.

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