
We can all stop child abuse

LETTERS: The alarming number of child abuse cases has highlighted a need to create a safe environment for them.

Child abuse is a heinous crime that leaves lasting scars on its victims. It is our duty to protect children from harm and ensure they grow up in a safe environment.

To achieve this, we must involve parents, educators, lawmakers and community members.

FIRSTLY, education and awareness are paramount. Parents and guardians need to be educated about the signs of abuse and the importance of fostering open communication with their children.

We should have programmes that teach children about their rights and personal boundaries, and how to seek help if they feel threatened or uncomfortable;

SECONDLY, strengthen support systems for children and families.

This includes providing mental health services, counselling, and support groups for victims and families.

Additionally, social services and law enforcement agencies must be funded and trained to handle abuse cases.

Stricter laws and harsher penalties for perpetrators of child abuse are essential;

LASTLY, we must foster a culture of vigilance and support, where neighbours, teachers and friends feel empowered to report suspected abuse.

Community organisations and local governments should create safe spaces and programmes that provide children with opportunities for healthy socialisation and development.

By working together, we can build a society where children are valued, protected and allowed to thrive.


Universiti Teknologi Mara,

Shah Alam, Selangor

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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