
Don't let divisive elements in society divide us

LETTERS: There was a praiseworthy statement as reported by NST yesterday by Wanita Umno chief, Datuk Seri Dr Noraini Ahmad.

She stressed that Umno does not need to prove who's more Malay and that extreme rhetoric of race will ruin our society.

On that point, she hits the nail on the head on a key source of racial disunity or disharmony in our country today over the last five decades or so.

That Malaysia's two dominant Malay parties have been trying to outdo each other to prove who's more Malay and who's more Islamic.

This has also led to excessive politicisation of religion in the public sector, such as in our education system, at the expense of quality of output, when everything must be judged by results.

It also affects national unity, economic efficiency of our productive resources and sustainable peaceful relations among all the ethnicities in the country, including the people of Sarawak and Sabah.

Additionally, we must also be aware of the two other big reasons for disunity.

One is the poor implementation or mismanagement of our resources in accordance to the New Economic Policy (NEP) to meet the needs of all communities in the country.

And second, the rampant corruption by politicians and officials who would conveniently use or play the race card as a diversion and to scapegoat other races.


Corporate, Political & Geopolitical Analyst

CEO of Sustainable Peace Museum Project

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