
FAM wants to know how many are involved in poison-pen plot

KUALA LUMPUR: The plot of one perpetrator or a few co-conspirators?

That is the ominous question asked by the FA of Malaysia after a poison-pen letter surfaced on social media on the eve of its FAM congress on April 1.

It attacked the integrity of the FAM, and accused the national football leadership of abuse of power and misuse of funds. The letter also claimed that 12 employees had left FAM due to internal issues.

FAM Integrity Committee chairman Tan Sri Dr Aseh Che Mat said: "The poison-pen letter has marred the FAM administration. We need to clear the image of FAM and have good governance.

"There are only a few issues in the poison-pen letter but it was written so long.

"The police have interviewed most of the current and former FAM staff to find out who wrote the letter.

"Police have their own tactics to find out which staff wrote the poison-pen letter. We also want to know whether it's the work of one person or a few.

"MACC has done its investigation and found that we have done nothing wrong.

"But the letter has indicated a few shortcomings, which we need to improve fast for a better governance of FAM.

"We also need to get back the faith and confidence of our stakeholders. Everyone loves FAM and we need to help improve the standard of football in Malaysia."

Aseh said FAM had also set up a special committee headed by its deputy president Datuk S. Sivasundaram to improve the national association's governance and management.

Sivasundaram said FAM had interviewed most of their 85 staff except for a few more regarding the poison-pen letter.

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