
Malaysia to lose as many as six gold if host Thailand doesn't change its mind

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia could lose up to six potential gold medals in next year's Sea Games if host Thailand sticks to its decision to drop karate, ju-jitsu, wushu and weightlifting from the 40-sport programme.

Thailand will host the 33rd edition of the biennial games in Bangkok, Chonburi and Songkhla.

In Cambodia last year, Malaysia won four karate gold through R. Sharmendran (men's kumite below 75kg), H. Sureeya Sankar (men's kumite below 60kg), Prem Kumar (men's kumite below 55kg), and C. Shahmalarani (women's kumite below 50kg).

The wushu team contributed two gold medals, both from Tan Cheong Min in the women's taolu.

Olympic Council of Malaysia vice president Datuk Chong Kim Fatt said it would be a big blow to the Malaysian contingent if Thailand doesn't reverse its decision to exclude wushu and karate from the Sea Games.

"Wushu was first added to the Sea Games in 1991, and aside from exclusion in 1995 and 1999, it has not been left out of the programme since," said Kim Fatt, who is also the president of the Wushu Federation of Malaysia.

"We have seen the report of Thailand's final list of 40 sports for next year's Sea Games, and it will be a big disappointment to Malaysia. Martial arts have contributed significantly to Malaysia at the Sea Games, and even our Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh has acknowledged this.

"We have been informed that there will be fewer traditional sports in the Sea Games as they have agreed to include more Olympic sports.

"But we certainly hope they will reconsider wushu and karate, as these two sports have always been contested at the Asian Games.

"We will definitely submit an official appeal, and I think the other countries in our region will do the same. The Philippines are strong in weightlifting and also want to know the reason behind the host country leaving out the sport."

It is learnt that rugby, equestrian and archery will return to the Sea Games programme after being left out of the previous edition in Cambodia last year.

The national contingent returned home from the 2023 Cambodia Games with just 34 gold, 45 silver and 97 bronze, missing the 40-gold target and finishing seventh in the medal table.

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