Padi farmers group laments padi purchasing price set by millers

ALOR STAR: The Malaysian Padi Farmers Brotherhood Organisation (Pesawah) is protesting the rice millers' decision to fix the crop's purchasing price at the government-set floor price of RM1,300 per metric tonne.

Its chairman, Abdul Rashid Yob, said the purchasing price decided recently during a meeting between the millers and the Agriculture and Food Security Ministry's Padi Industry Development Division failed to consider the rising costs of padi cultivation.

He said the RM1,300 floor price, which was set in 2023, was outdated and no longer reflected the current costs of padi plantation.

"For instance, the price of padi seeds has doubled since 2023, with the latest hike pushing them to RM58 per 20kg bag.

"Land preparation and harvesting costs have also increased following the removal of diesel subsidies. Land rental fees have also risen in recent years.

"Moreover, the cost of chemical pesticides has soared nearly fourfold compared with two years ago. Expenses for field maintenance such as spraying, sowing and fertilising have likewise gone up," he said in a statement today.

Therefore, he said, farmers were urging the government to consider reviewing the RM2.60 per kg ceiling price of local white rice that was set back in 2014.

"It is time for Malaysians to accept a new, more realistic rice price of RM3.60 per kg to balance the rising cost of padi plantation.

"This move would also help uplift the standard of living for farmers, most of whom remain below the poverty line," he added.

Rashid expressed the group's disappointment that the farmers were not consulted in the discussion between the ministry and the millers in deciding on the padi purchasing price, adding that the move had undermined farmers' voices and rights.

"If the government insists on maintaining the local white rice price at RM2.60 per kg and fixing the padi purchasing price to RM1,300 per metric tonne, the ministry must also reduce the cost of certified padi seeds to RM28 per bag and other related expenses."

From: Sein

KW: Malaysian Padi Farmers Brotherhood Organisation (Pesawah), protest, rice millers, purchasing price, RM1,300 per metric tonne

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