
Iron Lady speaks: Rafidah pushes for concrete actions in Malaysia's anti-corruption drive

KUALA LUMPUR: The war against graft must be followed through with serious actions as the government continues to reiterate its pledge to eradicate corruption and abuses of authority, said former minister Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz.

"There must be a strong and serious commitment to undertake all that, putting the good of the nation before personal and party politics.

"Justice and punishment cannot be meted out selectively, nor tolerance for corruption on a politically-rationalised scale," she said in a Facebook posting last night.

She emphasised that the fight against corruption "cannot have any form of bias," issuing warnings as the issue escalated to "forms and levels unheard of before."

Rafidah, who is known as the Iron Lady for her no-nonsense approach during her time in the government, suggested the establishment of committees to deliberate on every application for funds by government departments and ministries.

The former member of Parliament for Kuala Kangsar said the public must be fully informed of all application requirements to ensure that the government acts transparently.

She said this is so that responsibility and accountability can be clearly apportioned.

"We have had enough of sound bites. It's now time for serious action.

"Otherwise, it will merely remain as music for the ears," she said.

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