
#Showbiz: Keroncong and ghazal reimagined by the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra

TRADITIONAL music enthusiasts can look forward to a memorable performance by the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) this Saturday during the 'Simfoni Budaya: Keroncong & Ghazal' concert at Dewan Filharmonik Petronas (DFP).

Headlined by well-known Malaysian performer Datuk Yusni Hamid, the upcoming show will mark a decade since the MPO last honoured the two genres in symphonic form.

The concert will also see the 72-year-old crooner collaborating with two popular young singers, namely Haziq Rosebi and Asmidar.

Ahmad Muriz Che Rose will lead the 65-piece orchestra accompanied by seven traditional musicians to present an enchanting tapestry of reimagined traditional tunes.

This unique blend promises to deliver a fresh musical perspective to Malaysian audiences and to provide a continuity to the keroncong and ghazal genres.

Muriz says after over a decade, it is high time to reintroduce a traditional-themed concert, infused this time with innovative elements.

"This concert will present what can be described as musical magic when combining seven traditional musicians who will bring the 'soul' of keroncong and ghazal songs.

"The singers and the musicians promise a special musical fusion," he shares.

With approximately 20 songs set to be performed in traditional rhythms and melodies, Muriz considers the selection of Yusni, Haziq and Asmidar as spot-on for conveying the essence of these genres.

The last time MPO presented a traditional-themed concert was in 2012 with the 'Keroncong Merdeka' concert.

Yusni, who has released 11 albums, describes the chance to perform at the DFP, backed by the MPO, as an exhilarating moment that completes a singer's career.

"I'm thrilled to be performing with such an established orchestra since it's a dream for any singer.

"Although this also means one has to work doubly hard, many would not miss a chance to perform at such a concert. I'm sure many singers have the MPO and DFP on their wishlist of performances," says the veteran singer who is known to have performed for dignitaries even back in the 1970s.

Yusni also looks forward to delivering the songs with fresh music arrangements.

"That's the standard practice by the MPO for performances at the DFP. To sing well-known songs with new arrangements is exciting for me and it'll definitely be a surprise for concert-goers," she elaborates.

Haziq, 36, a former contestant on the fourth season of the 'Akademi Fantasia' (AF4) reality show, has taken to social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram to draw younger audiences to the concert.

"I hope the younger generation will come to the concert. Exposing more young people to traditional music such as keroncong and ghazal is the only way to ensure that these music genres will be appreciated in the future," he shares.

Asmidar, whose full name is Norhasmidar Ahmad, adds that staging a concert such as this is an ideal platform to elevate traditional music.

"I believe, what the MPO is doing by coming up with this concert is a very good move in helping to promote traditional music among music enthusiasts today."

The 37-year-old artiste explains: "Just look at Dayang Nurfaizah who came out with her album 'Belagu'.

"It featured refreshing traditional tunes which can be appreciated by younger listeners. So, this concert will also be able to bring keroncong and ghazal to a different crowd," she says.

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