
Mindef to review Black Hawk helicopter lease amid delivery delay

JOHOR BARU: The Defence Ministry will conduct a thorough review of the lease contract for the four Black Hawk helicopters before determining its next course of action.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin said a decision will be made either to cancel the contract or to grant the air service provider additional time.

"We need to consider if there are any penalties that will be incurred due to the delay in its stipulated delivery date, or cancellation," he said, adding to give the ministry time before announcing their final decision.

Local air service provider Aerotree Defence & Services Sdn Bhd had delayed delivering four Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk helicopters worth RM187 million, for the use of the army Air Corps.

Earlier, Army Chief General Tan Sri Muhammad Hafizuddeain Jantan said a proposal will be submitted to Mindef to cancel the Black Hawk lease contract, if Aerotree failed to meet their delivery obligations.

Khaled said the ministry will review reports and take into consideration the armed forces' reports before finalising their decision.

"Without the helicopters, army operations are ongoing as usual, with the additional the Black Hawks, operation will be further enhanced.

"The helicopters are meant to be used to ferry army personal to rural areas in Sabah and Sarawak, and also to ferry equipment and ration," he said today at a service medal presentation to armed forces veterans.

The armed forces has three operational squadrons, 881 Squadron, 882 Squadron and 883 Squadron, which are equipped with helicopters in the liaison (Agusta A109LOH) and light attack roles (MD530G).

The transport squadron, 882sq, retired its Sikorsky S-61A-4 Nuri transport helicopters in 2020, a move which has left it short of airlift capability.

The UH-60A+ Black Hawks was meant to succeed the S-61A-4.

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