Sunday Vibes

Author reveals hidden connections between Ottoman Empire and Melaka Sultanate in exciting new book

IN the bustling heart of modern Kuala Lumpur, amid the towering skyscrapers that define the city's skyline, a momentous gathering got underway at the Pentas Dunia in Dewan Merdeka of the World Trade Centre.

Here, amidst the echoes of centuries past, author Ninot Aziz's latest literary creation, a young adult (YA) novel entitled Leyla's Quest: Echoes of Uthmaniyah, stands poised to unlock the mysteries of history through the lens of imagination.

A century ago, the fall of the Ottoman empire and the end of the caliphate had reshaped the world, setting in motion a seismic shift in global power dynamics.

As the Western world emerged as the dominant force of progress and leadership in the 20th century, the voices of other civilisations were marginalised, their stories relegated to the annals of obscurity

But now, as Ninot's pen weaves a tale that transcends time and borders, the narrative shifts.

"The time has come for a more holistic and inclusive thought leadership," declares the award-winning author, voice echoing with conviction.

Adding emphatically, she continues: "We must inject a quest for knowledge and truth into the hearts of our younger generation, guiding them to explore the role of our country in the geopolitics of the last 2000 years."


At the heart of Leyla's Quest lies Leyla herself, a modern-day e-gamer of Malaysian-Turkish descent, whose journey of self-discovery intertwines with the echoes of empires long past.

From the bustling streets of Kuala Lumpur to the storied halls of Istanbul's Panorama and Hagia Sofia, Leyla's quest takes her on a breathtaking odyssey through time and space.

"For too long, the connection between the Ottoman Empire and the Melaka Sultanate has been overlooked," reflects Ninot, adding: "Through Leyla's story, I aim to inspire young people to think critically about the world around them, to seek knowledge and to craft their own narratives based on careful analysis."

As Leyla delves deeper into the tapestry of history and heritage, she uncovers a profound connection between the Ottoman Empire and the Malay World, a relationship veiled by centuries of secrecy and intrigue.

Through the pages of her book, readers are invited to join the protagonist on a journey of discovery, where fiction and historical truths intertwine to illuminate the enduring bonds between two civilisations.

"In Leyla's Quest, we find echoes of our own search for identity and belonging," muses Ninot solemnly.

The novel itself is a labour of love, born from four years of immersive research and exploration. Inspired by her Malaysian-Turkish heritage, the affable author and folklorist had delved deep into the annals of history, embarking on a pilgrimage to Istanbul's most revered museums and landmarks.

"I wanted to capture the essence of the Ottoman Empire and breathe life into a world long forgotten," shares Ninot, who's also a PR consultant with bzBee Consult.


As Khair Ngadiron, the director of the National Book Council of Malaysia, and Adibah Omar, chief executive officer of Kota Buku, take the stage, the air crackles with anticipation. Against the backdrop of Sultan Mehmed Al-Fatih's legendary conquest of Constantinople in 1453, Ninot's narrative unfolds, casting a spell over the audience.

Symbolically timed with the fall of the empire and abolishment of the caliphate exactly a century ago, the launch commemorates a pivotal moment in history.

"This is not merely a book launch, but it's also a celebration of our shared heritage," remarks Adibah.

For Professor Mohd Said Bani, president of public relations and communications PRCA Malaysia, Leyla's Quest represents a triumph of creativity and historical authenticity. "Ninot ingeniously intertwines fiction with historical truths, igniting an insatiable quest for knowledge," he muses, adding: "Through the lens of creativity, she challenges established narratives, beckoning readers to uncover the untold realities of the Ottoman Empire."

As the ceremony draws to a close, the novel's legacy is already taking root. In the pages of this book, illustrated beautifully by Ariyana Ahmad and edited by Johnny Gillette, lies a discovery of profound significance.

From the intricate beauty of Turkish tulip motifs to the regal symbolism of the Melaka Sultanate's gilded keris, each detail invites readers to delve even deeper into the rich tapestry of the past.

Through the power of storytelling, Ninot reminds us that the past isn't just a distant memory but a living, breathing legacy that shapes the world we inhabit today.

Leyla's Quest: Echoes of Uthmaniyah

ISBN No: 978-629-7654-04-1

Number of Pages: 240

Publisher: Hikayat Fandom Sdn Bhd

Author: Ninot Aziz

Where to purchase:

1. Hikayat Fandom Book Gallery, Lot 1-21, Level 1, GMBB Mall, Jalan Robertson, Kuala Lumpur2

⁠2. Available with Baucer Madani RM100 at Book Capital Mall2

⁠3. Shopee Hikayat Fandom

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