
UMS urged to file a police report over defamation on misusing RM5 million fund

KOTA KINABALU: Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) has been urged to file a police report against a serious claim of it misusing funds to tackle its water supply issues.

Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Mustapha Sakmud said this was the must be done since the claim has been highlighted during a protest.

"I think it is time for us to take action. Maybe UMS can file a police report because these are serious allegations against the UMS management, as it is affecting their credibility.

"There are no elements of misappropriation. The funds were indeed used properly by UMS to try to resolve the campus water issue to obtain an additional 1 million litre per day capacity of alternative water supply.

"We do not want the RM5 million issue to become a political tool for any party or be misunderstood by these students, leading to false accusations against the state government," Mustapha told the media after the Madani Belia programme here.

Earlier before the event, Mustapha had met with Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor to brief about the water situation at UMS.

Yesterday, a group of UMS students, non-governmental organisations and politicians held a rally dubbed 'Kami Mahu Air' in front of Menara Kinabalu here.

Among the accusations the group highlighted in the rally was to question the RM 5 million allocation from the federal government, which they said were not being used accordingly leading up to the existing water supply woes at the UMS.

"I think this is not good for UMS, and we will act if any parties continue to bring up this issue in a defamatory manner.

"We want to take a firm stance now. I have already advised rally goers last week to act rationally and understand the facts accurately. Do not use incorrect facts.

"I don't want the image of the ministry or UMS to be tarnished by any party attempting to exploit this issue for their organisational or political interests."

Mustapha, who is also Sepanggar member of parliament, said he also welcomed those rally goers' suggestion to urge the authorities to investigate the matter if there are any element of corruption. However , he said all quarters get their facts straight before anything else.

Meanwhile, he also urged the students to mind their manners and language, as well as to be rational when protesting.

During the rally, despite the presence of Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Shahelmey Yahya to receive the memorandum from them, the organiser refused the gesture and insisted to only meet with Hajiji.

Some of the participants also raised their voices against Shahelmey and Sabah Assistant Youth and Sports minister Datuk Fairuz Renddan.

"That was a bit disappointing and was a bit excessive. Our struggle is to help resolve the water issue, and if handing over the memorandum helps achieve that, just hand it over.

"So, I think they should have just handed over the memorandum and not have to stay overnight waiting, as it sends a rather negative message.

"As for the presence of others (politicians and NGOs) during the rally, we do not prohibit students from voicing their rights, but we do not want them to be used by any party for political or personal interests."

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