
4 Indonesian fishermen caught off Penang

GEORGE TOWN: An Indonesian boat with four fishermen was caught encroaching into Malaysian waters about 40 nautical miles southwest of Penang yesterday.

In the 1.10pm incident, a skipper and his three crew members aged between 34 and 41 were detained by the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA).

Penang Maritime Second District director First Admiral Kamaruszaman Abu Hassan said the boat was found with 200kg of fish.

"The men did not have valid travel documents. We have detained the men and towed the boat to the Batu Maung Shipyard jetty for further action," he said in a statement today.

They will be investigated under the Fisheries Act 1985 for fishing without the permission of the Fisheries director-general.

MMEA said this was the seventh foreign boat encroaching into Penang waters this year.

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