
Don't share unverified news on social media: Asyraf Wajdi

KOTA BARU: Malaysians should be more responsible when selecting and sharing unverified news via social media platforms and making them go viral, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki said, today.

He said the public cannot judge the veracity of a breaking story and reach their own conclusions, as they would not have the complete facts – and cited the tragic case of the death of tahfiz student, Mohamad Thaqif Amin Mohd Ghaddafi.

"They should wait for police investigations to be completed, even if it takes some time.

"(In the case of Thaqif), the investigation has not been completed, so it is too early to blame the school, or anybody," he added.

Asyraf Wajdi was commenting on the death of Thaqif on Wednesday. The 11-year-old boy, who was in an induced coma following an operation to amputate his legs, died weeks after an alleged beating, administered using a rubber hose, by an assistant warden at his religious boarding school.

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