
Landscaping: Hanging gardens enhance softscape

For the garden enthusiasts with a hodgepodge of plant collections that probably might just be their priceless possessions, there comes a time when we feel that most of our outdoor space allocated for our potted plants becomes too crowded.

In a different scenario, especially after a heavy downpour, we also tend to feel a bit riled up when our precious flowers are soiled or at times have its head on the ground. Fortunately, we can overcome both these situations by planting them in a hanging basket.

Not only that having these plants in hanging basket can totally maximise the limited space in the garden, when displayed from a higher or at eye level, these plants would have a nice natural flowing effect. As a bonus, perhaps these plants will draw honeyeater birds and butterflies.

Most importantly, whatever plants that you choose in your hanging baskets, it must be pendulous, creeping and top-heavy. Here are some recommended flowering and non-flowering plants which are ideal for your softscape enhancement.

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