
Suspended Sazali urged to be patient

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Body Building Federation (MBBF) will welcome Sazali Samad with open arms, if he chooses to come back to competitions after his four-year suspension.

Sazali was suspended by MBBF on September 22, 2015 after failing a doping test and his suspension period will end next year.

MBBF vice president. Datuk Wira Masood Zainal Abidin said the federation are always ready to help and they think Sazali still has a bright future in the sport if he continues

“MBBF is not in the business of 'killing' people's (career), no… our job is to help athletes. If there are any problems or mistakes, we will fix them but suspended athletes must abide by the punishment given.

“We are ready to help them come back and keep competing. We hope those who are suspended will be patient.

“Sazali must abide by the laws put in place. After the end of the suspension, he can be back because looking at his body, he has a bright future,” said Masood.

Sazali was tested positive by the Anti-Doping Agency of Malaysia (Adamas) on September 1 before leaving for Tashkent, Uzbekistan for the 49th Asian Championship.

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