
Don't ask me on Ramasamy issue, says Guan Eng

GEORGE TOWN: DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng wants all questions pertaining to the controversy surrounding Penang DAP vice-chairman Dr P. Ramasamy and Sri Lankan terrorist group, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ellam (LTTE), to be referred to the state DAP.

Lim brushed off reporters’ queries when asked to comment on the issue.

“Who asked you to get my comments (on Ramasamy’s alleged links with LTTE)?

“I think it is better for you (the media) to refer this to Chow, who is also Chief Minister,” he told newsmen.

Meanwhile, in a separate press conference, Chow said the state government would not interfere in the matter involving Ramasamy since numerous police reports had been lodged.

“We will leave it to the police to investigate. Let the police do their job.

“If we interfere, then we would be seen as interfering in police investigations,” he said when met at the 23rd graduation ceremony at the Penang Skills Development Centre (PSDC) here.

Ramasamy recently caused controversy when he uploaded a picture of himself with Tamil Nadu politician and vocal LTTE supporter V. Gopalasamy, who is also known as Vaiko, on his Facebook page.

The picture was taken when Vaiko attended a wedding in Penang.

In June last year, Vaiko was detained by immigration officers at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and barred from entering the country.

More than 50 police reports have since been lodged against Ramasamy and his statement was recorded recently by police.

Ramasamy has repeatedly denied involvement with LTTE.

Meanwhile, in a separate development, Lim said the opposition has continued to harp on racial sentiments throughout the ongoing Sungai Kandis by-election in Selangor.

He likened the move as the voice of “extremists” out to destroy the country.

“They (the opposition) are playing the race sentiment. Umno and Pas are for only race and religion while MCA, for their kind.

“Strangely, all of them can work together,” he added.

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