
Miri MP hopes proposed new health clinic included in national 2019 Budget

MIRI: A Sarawak federal lawmaker hopes the proposal to build a new health clinic to resolve the severe congestions faced at the current facility here will be included in the Federal Government’s 2019 Budget.

Miri Member of Parliament, Dr Michael Teo Yu Keng, described the proposal as critical following the rapid increase in the number of patients at Miri Health Clinic and Miri Hospital.

Dr Michael, who is a doctor by profession, said the proposal to build a new health clinic in Jalan Tanjung Lobang here will resolved problem faced by health facilities run by the government.

“Problems related to the severe congestion at Miri Health Clinic and Miri Hospital is a long standing issue that needed to be resolved immediately.

“I have received numerous complaints from people residing in Miri over this issue.

“On average, patients have to wait more than two hours for their turn for treatment,” he told the NSTP.

The Miri Health Clinic, he said, would receive an average of 1,000 patients who sought for treatment or to collect their medicine per day.

Dr Michael shuddered that the situation will become worse if no action is being taken to reduce the congestion at the current government health facilities in the division.

He said the proposed new health clinic would be equipped with modern equipment to treat patients.

“On behalf of the people in Miri and those in the northern parts of Sarawak, I hope the Pakatan Harapan Federal Government will serious consideration into the proposal for the wellbeing of the rakyat,” said the PKR leader.

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