
Dr M: BN fielding Orang Asli candidate is just an attempt at duping voters

LIPIS: Barisan Nasional (BN) and Umno no longer exist, said Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, here, today.

In saying this, the prime minister called on voters in Cameron Highlands to vote BN out tomorrow, claiming that even Umno members had rejected the party.

"Umno no longer exists as the party that remains, belongs to 'penyangak' (thugs)....I am confident that Umno has no future. Now many people are eager to join PH as they no longer trust Umno.

"To dupe the people (voters in Cameron Highlands), BN decided to name a candidate from the Orang Asli community. It is not that they care for the Orang Asli but merely want to safeguard their positions," he said in his speech during a gathering with the people at Dataran Sungai Koyan, here, today.

Dr Mahathir said the decision is now in the hands of the voters in Cameron Highlands if they want to see change and hope for a better future in the constituency.

"The future is in our hands. If we make a mistake, we will become the victims. If we vote PH, our future will be better.

"Yes, Pahang is still under BN but they cannot do anything as the power is held by the PH federal government. They are not able to do a lot of things as it can only be done by the federal government....It is not that we want to make promises but we (PH) are now in power," said the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) chairman.

Also present was Bersatu president and Home Minister Tan Sri Muyiddin Yassin, DAP secretary-general and Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng and Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) president and Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu.

Meanwhile, Dr Mahathir said PH was a government that adhered to the nation's rules and laws, unlike the previous government.

"The PH government respects the law...the law is not only for the opposition but the ruling government also follows the same set of laws.

"For example, I cannot use the government's aircraft so I rented a private helicopter (today). If I use the government helicopter, then it’s wrong....the Election Commission (EC) chairman said it's wrong (to use government assets). We follow the country's rules and laws, we respect the law," he said, referring to his arrival in Cameron Highlands this morning via a private helicopter.

The Langkawi member of parliament said he would continue to express his views although he was already old, as whatever he spoke was only for the benefit of the people and to improve various problems currently plaguing the country.

"I want to work till my last breath. All the prizes, titles, medals are not good. The only good one is KSM which is 'kerja sampai mati' (work till you die). As long as I am alive, I will continue to go around to rectify things in the country....not because of money but for the love I have towards the country.

"We are born and raised here....we get married and have children, our children enjoy a lot of benefits here and how can we not care for the country. We love the country and want the country to be well administered....not by thieves or for it to fall in the wrong hands but good people," he said.

He also took a swipe at former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for actively giving comments and going to various places.

Dr Mahathir said Najib did not implement his criticism during his days as prime minister but was now trying to teach the current government how to run the country.

"Now he is going places and making speeches. When you (referring to Najib) were the prime minister, you never implemented it but now you are trying to be clever to teach us how to administer the country," he said.--Report by T.N. Alagesh, Nik Sukry Ramli, Mohd Nasaruddin Parzi

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