
Villagers at a loss following Pulau Gaya village blaze

KOTA KINABALU: Miran Dulah could only stare in disbelief as Kampung Lok Urai in Pulau Gaya went up in flames.

He had called the village home for the last 35 years.

Speaking of the devastating fire yesterday, the 61-year-old said he was inside his house when he heard a commotion outside.

"I went to check and was shocked to see fire engulfing several houses. I immediately went to get my wife and children," he said.

Miran said he almost collapsed upon seeing the blaze.

"This is the first time that our village caught fire. We have been living in Lok Urai for 35 years," he said.

Miran's family was among some 200 villagers who have been placed at a temporary relief centre in Sembulan, with others placed in Likas.

Miran, who suffers from high blood pressure, said he remembered being so shocked to the extent that he could not even walk properly.

He was also unable to bring his medication with him.

His wife Siti Noni Mawani, 59, said the family had just finished having dinner when the fire took place at 8pm.

Siti was in the kitchen when she saw a "huge bright light", which she then realised was fire engulfing a neighbour's house.

"We only managed to salvage important documents. We were also unable to rescue our daughter's school supplies. She is still sitting for her Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) at SMK Pulau Gaya," she said.

The family managed to grab a mobile phone and a laptop during the chaotic situation.

Siti said her daughter still has two more exam papers to sit for on Tuesday and Thursday next week.

Meanwhile, Sabah Community Development and People's Wellbeing Minister Shahelmey Yahya said his ministry would identify status of the area before redeveloping the affected residents' houses.

"At the moment, all victims have been placed at two temporary relief centres; the Sembulan Multipurpose Hall and the Likas Hall.

"We will channel food baskets and cooked meals to the victims throughout their stay at the evacuation centres," he told reporters after visiting fire victims at the hall in Sembulan.

In the 8pm fire, 73 houses built on stilts were destroyed, leaving some 200 villagers homeless.

No fatalities or injuries were reported.

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