
Food Purveyor's frontliners scheme a big hit

KUALA LUMPUR: The Food Purveyor (TFP) has ended its 10 per cent discount scheme for all healthcare workers across its outlets, which was in place from January this year.

TFP is the operator of Village Grocer, Ben's Independent Grocer, BSC Fine Foods, Leisure Grocer and Pasaraya OTK.

Chief executive officer Geoff King said the company had recognised the hardships facing healthcare workers, from dealing with a deadly virus to coping with a severe workforce overload across the sector.

"We decided to give a discount off their groceries as our small way to lessen their burden and to show the TFP appreciated their efforts. We thank every healthcare worker for their continued efforts during this difficult time and are delighted this discount scheme proved so popular for so many," King said in a statement.

TFP said the campaign had garnered positive reactions from the nation's healthcare workers as it shared over RM800,000 in discounts to the frontliners.

The scheme was first introduced in April 2020 to give a financial boost to the hard-working healthcare workers battling the Covid-19 pandemic for the country.

"The tremendous response from healthcare workers proved that the initiative was much appreciated," it said.

With Malaysia recuperating from the outbreak and the number of Covid-19 affected patients on a reducing trend, TFP said the campaign had met its objectives.

TFP is looking at sporadically bringing back the scheme as well as similar schemes to the armed forces, police and fire services next year.

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