
Jokowi an approachable and forward-thinking leader, says Media Prima's Fiza Sabjahan [NSTTV]

KUALA LUMPUR: The term 'Saudara Serumpun' (family) is not an empty phrase for Indonesian President Joko Widodo, who is popularly known as Jokowi, as it is reflected in the strong bilateral ties between Malaysia and Indonesia. 

Speaking to the New Straits Times, Media Prima journalist Siti Hasfizza Aswaty Sab Jahan, or popularly known as Fiza Sabjahan, said the Indonesian president was approachable relaxed when she interviewed him.

She said it was one of her most memorable interviews. 

Despite receiving confirmation just 24 hours before the interview, Fiza said Indonesian officials were very welcoming throughout Media Prima's stay in the country.

"On that day itself, we had the opportunity to have a little bit more time with the president.. after dinner the whole team had a chat with him and the outcome was good. 

"The interview was fun and we received very good cooperation and a very warm welcome from the Indonesian presidential palace.

"The president's officers were very welcoming and we felt really comfortable," Fiza said.

Jokowi sat with Media Prima recently at Istana Merdeka to discuss issues circling the Asean region, including allegations that the group could be a proxy for China.

He said bilateral ties between Malaysia and Indonesia should continue to be strengthened in the spirit of "saudara serumpun" and added that our historical ties were very strong as Indonesia was among the first countries to establish diplomatic ties with Malaysia when we gained independence in 1957. 

In her 15-year career, Fiza said she had interviewed several Malaysian leaders but interviewing the current Asean chairman was a memorable experience. 

Though not sleeping a wink the night before the interview, she said Jokowi's pleasant personality made her less nervous and the interview went smoothly. 

"Before we started the interview, I had the opportunity to meet the president to have a chat and my nervousness dissipated. 

"We can see that Jokowi is a very simple, humble and approachable person. When I faced him, he was very calm and relaxed," she said, adding that the Indonesian president answered all questions posed to him. 

"You can see that he is a forward thinker and someone with a vision. He is always thinking about how to develop Indonesia in the years to come.

"During the course of the second interview at several locations in Indonesia, I was able to see how Jokowi is with his people and he was indeed very approachable and calm that he can answer every question we gave him.

"There was no question that we were not allowed to ask," she said.

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