
PM calls for end to mental health stigma

KUALA LUMPUR: In conjunction with World Mental Health Day 2023 which is celebrated today, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim called on the public to put a stop to the stigma associated with mental health problems.

Anwar, who wore a green ribbon pin as a symbol of mental health awareness, made the call during the Minister's question time in the Dewan Rakyat.

"Mental health belongs to all, stop the stigma. The green ribbon I wear is an international symbol of mental health. Happy World Mental Health Day 2023," he said.

Several members of Parliament were also seen wearing green ribbons as a sign of support for the mental health awareness campaign.

When tabling the motion on the 12th Malaysia Plan Mid-Term Review in the Dewan Rakyat, Anwar announced that the government would establish a mental health institute to deal with the health issue that is becoming increasingly worrying in this country. – BERNAMA

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