
RGB International refutes political funding for GE15

KUALA LUMPUR: RGB International Bhd has refuted an article which claimed the company was involved in political funding for the 15th general election (GE15). 

In a filing to Bursa Malaysia, it said its wholly-owned unit, RGB Sdn Bhd only does outright sale of gaming machines and its accessories and has no involvement or ownership in Malaysia's slots clubs. 

"The company wishes to state that it has not and will not condone any forms of ''political funding''.

" The company's directors are thus offering their full cooperation to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigation and have reiterated the above. 

"The company's directors have no link to any politician in the country," it said. 

It was commenting on a news article published by Sabahkini2 which stated RGB International was among the companies that were raided by MACC. 

The article also claimed that the company's chief executive officer and directors were allegedly arrested by the graft busters in relation to political funding.

"The company and its subsidiaries are highly regulated in the jurisdictions where the group operates.

" The group adopts a zero-tolerance approach towards bribery and corruption and upholds to the highest standard of compliance," it said. 

 RGB added in upholding this commitment, it had established an Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy in 2015 which sets out the standards the company expects the directors, employees, agents, consultants, suppliers, vendors and any third-party intermediaries or representatives performing work or services for or on behalf of the bigger group to comply with in conducting business. 

"If any parties deviate from the company's zero tolerance approach, the company will take necessary action to protect the interest of its shareholders and all relevant stakeholders," it said.

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